We’s love to hear from you

Whether you have a question about our products, services, pricing, need a demo, or anything else, our team is ready to answer all your questions

Ask how we can help you:

See our products in action
Request an appointment! Our sales and technical team will discuss all the specifications of our products which includes the components, mode of actions, benefits, in-vitro and in-vivo trials.

Feed Formulation
Request an appointment! Our in-house nutritionist will make scientific assessments of your needs and make proper recommendations.

Starting Up A Business?
Request an appointment! Our technical team will schedule you for a seminar, lecture, and/or online discussion regarding a specific topic that will suit your business operation.



No. 41 Scout Limbaga St., Brgy. Laging Handa, 1103 Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines 


(02) 8255 9498
(02) 8256 3365
(02) 8256 3449


(+63) 917 846 1152
(+63) 922 846 2395



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