by ybXiFksbAU | Aug 11, 2020
ATOFIRST™ CCPA Group | Game Fowl | Poultry | Ruminants | Swine | Swine + Poultry Atofirst, as a toxin binder, contains one of the best mycotoxin adsorbents. It also helps to reduce mycotoxin producing fungi with the action of organic acids. Some mycotoxins escape from...
by ybXiFksbAU | Aug 11, 2020
CREA ADVANCE CCPA Group | Swine Créa® Advance optimizes the digestive process for an optimal use of nutrients. As result: growth performances are better from the starter period. Improved growth performance Increased digestive system efficiency Better nutrient...
by ybXiFksbAU | Aug 11, 2020
AXION THERMOCONTROL CCPA Group | Swine Axion® ThermoControl promotes feed consumption in sows and fattening pigs during hot periods.The feed quantities ingested are maintained and nutritional needs for the production of milk or meat are met. Stimulates appetite...
by ybXiFksbAU | Aug 11, 2020
DELTA HYDRA / STARHYDRA CCPA Group | Game Fowl | Poultry | Ruminants | Swine | Swine + Poultry Electrolytes and amino acids liquid supplement used in drinking water to maintain electrolyte balance and prevent excessive loss of electrolytes specially during hot...
by ybXiFksbAU | Aug 11, 2020
DELTA LIVER / STARLIVER CCPA Group | Game Fowl | Poultry | Ruminants | Swine | Swine + Poultry Good source of substances needed for better liver function. Livertonic functions to prevent fatty liver and gizzard erosion due to mycotoxins and excessive antibiotics use....
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